Friday, September 24, 2010

::Weekend Bloggy Reading:: Link Up!

It's Friday, which means it's almost Saturday, which means that it's almost time for my first Blessings Unlimited party, which means I have some serious vacuuming to do today!
Today is my mom's birthday (Happy Birthday, Mimi!) and we're having her over for dinner and cake tonight. Natalie has another birthday party tomorrow morning, and I'll be busy baking up a "Sunday Cake" (recipe forthcoming!) and finishing up the last details for my party. Sunday should be pretty relaxing with Sunday School and an afternoon of laying around (I hope!!).

{What are you up to this weekend?}

Today is the fun day where I share a few of my favorite posts from around Blogland this week, and you get to link up the best post from your own blog this week.

All I ask is that you please include my party button (code is below) or a link back to me within your post.

Here are some of this week's faves:
~Kendra created Easy and Inexpensive Wall Art to incorporate some more yellow into her home. She also took us on a super-cute and funny Birdhouse Tour. I know that's two links, but they were too good to pass up.

~The Nester has a great series going right now on How to Change the Theme of Your Decor Without Breaking the Bank, otherwise entitled "Written for Amanda." If you haven't ever heard of The Nester, please come out from underneath your rock and go see her! {wink}

~Stephanie shared the Perfect Seat for a Princess.
~And me? I have a fabulous Giveaway going on right now with Ribbon Blossoms (link up to this party by Sunday night and get an automatic entry!), and there was a great Guest Post on Wednesday. Right now, it's looking like I really need another Spa Night Out because my issues with Feedburner are back in full force. I had to take the display off the blog for now, because it looks horrible to constantly yo-yo back and forth between almost 1000 subscribers and down to 145 overnight. Unprofessional and uncool. Because Feedburner has zero (!) help, I'm pretty much at their mercy. Hoping for a turnaround. Hundreds of people are missing out on my posts because Feedburner can't get their act together.

But let's not let Feedburner spoil the fun. Link up your best post of the week to share! Let me know if you need help getting your link to appear.

Here's the button code if you'd prefer to use that instead of a link-back:
Weekend Bloggy Reading

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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  1. Wow thanks Amanda for the double link! You’re awesome…..but I bed you already know that. ;o)

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  2. be back later to link up-off to get my son a much needed and way overdue haircut...good luck with feedburner today...sounds very frustrating!

  3. Oh I hope you have a great party! I loooove Nester's post too & I've even started making subtle changes in my little casa b/c of it :-) Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Great post! and I have had this convo before...

    Adding my link:

  5. That seat with the pink bow is so cute! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for hosting (: and your giveaway is soooo cute!
    ~XO Michaela

  6. Hey girl--I linked up my little table project. I really am so happy with how it turned out!

    I hope your party tomorrow night is an incredible success! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. Have a great weekend!

    And happy birthday to your sweet Mom!!

  7. Thanks for hosting. I tried to link up but it didn't work so I did it again, still no luck. It will probably show up twice now. Heee he. Sorry to hear about your feedburner problem. I don't even know what that is so I can't help. I am getting your posts in my dashboard though.

    This comment really exposes how un- techy I am. Happy weekend!

  8. Thanks for hosting! I'm having trouble linking up again & I don't want to email you because my email's been hacked & it might send you a virus :(

    Would you mind linking my post up for me? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

  9. Nothing to add today, I was lazy this week! But I wanted to pop in and say hope you have a great weekend, happy birthday to your Mom!


  10. Gotta do some homeschooling right now, but I will make visits over the weekend.
    Thanks for hosting!

  11. Thanks for hosting again! I had a hard time deciding which post to share this week...but I was so thrilled that Mrs. Joseph Wood agreed to share with us on Wednesday, this week, that's the one I picked. But today's post is really fun too! LOL

    I have been praying for your new business all week!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Will you share with us on Monday?

    By the the simple artwork post...that was a good one...thanks for sharing!

  12. Help!!! I can't get my post to add on the Linky for some reason...tried twice. Thanks!!!

  13. Happy Birthday Mimi!!! Busy week around here- my little niece arrived:) Now James has a new little BFF. Here's my link if you have a chance to add- I tried, but no luck.

  14. Sounds like lots of celebrating this weekend...have fun.
    We have nothing planned - hopefully, I can get some cleaning done!

  15. I'm excited to participate in your weekend bloggy reading for the first time! 1000 subscribers! Wow, I'm impressed! I'm still waiting for my first one! But given that I'm only a week into this venture I'm doing okay! Have a great weekend.

  16. Those first pictures are too cute! I love the yellow striped paper she used!

  17. Not much going on in my world this week Amanda~Happy Birthday to your Mom. Have a great weekend!

  18. Amanda, you just are the sweetest! Thanks for posting my princess and table and chairs. The picture you posted was the inspiration piece, not the one I did. I didn't give a source on the picture because the person's web site seems to be no longer in use. It is no big deal, but felt I should at least acknowledge it just in case...thanks again!

  19. Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Mi piace questa idea, sono pienamente d'accordo con te.
    Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. Ottima idea, condivido.

  20. Thank you for hosting!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  21. There's a weekend? LOL! I have missed you at Color Outside the Lines ... I hope I haven't lost you forever! Stop by when you can ... let me know what you think of the new layout! :) xo, Artie

  22. wow! great party this week! just linked up and I can't wait to check out everyone's projects tonight!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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